Sunday, June 19, 2011

Swatch the Forth & Fifth

Another swatch from last week. I picked up a mini kit from Revlon the other day and decided to give it a whirl.

Inside were three mini bottles in Garden, Waterfall and Sparkle.  Garden is a lovely pastel shade of green creme, sparkle is a clear topcoat with small halo glitter mixed with larger hex halo glitter and Waterfall is a baby blue with some silver shimmer to it.

I started with the Garden and added the sparkle topcoat to it.  I have to say that I did not like the formula of either of the creme colors.  Both were a bit rubbish going on.  Either they were gloppy or there were bald spots and both colors took about three thin coats to go on opague if you didn't want the polish to pool at your tips.  The sparkle was decent but  I had to take three passes to get any of the hex glitter on my nails and even then I only got about five pieces total for all ten fingers. The green was easier to apply than the blue and I did leave it on for a day as the sparkle topcoat did cover up most of the issues.  The blue was bad enough (it bubbled on some fingers and was bumpy for unknown reasons on others) that I took it off immediately after swatching and put on something else.

1 comment:

Pinkbeauty_love said...

I love the blue one!!Following ur blog!!